
Which team do u like better Chelsea or MANU????????

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Which team do u prefer??????????????????????????????




  1. Chelski

  2. i would have to be forced to pick and it would be man u

  3. None i would prefer Hull City..

  4. Chelsea

  5. Manchester United always


  7. GO LIVERPOOL!!!!!!!

  8. the glory manchester!

  9. Chelsea is the best! They actually play smart. Man u can be a bit cocky sometimes!

  10. Manchester United the best ever

  11. Of course Manchester United, the club thats full of tradition.

  12. Man U they have class, which is something that Chelsea are desperately lacking.

  13. well tbh i support arsenal, but it wood have 2 be man u cos they dnt have to BUY the league

  14. Liverpool

  15. look, i'll give you my honest opinion, i hate both those clubs, my one & only club is liverpool.

    but if my life depended on it, i would prefer chelsea over man utd anyday

  16. Manchester United 4Life.

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