
Which team do you think!!!!!!!!!!?

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which NFL team do you think will end up with a better record

the New York Jets with brett farve

Green Bay Packers with aaron rodgers

and why do you pick that team!!!!!!




  1. Its hard to say green bay most likly cause minnisota is about the only good team in their divison bt i hope the jets and it might be cuz aaron roger lets be honst here anit goin to have a great year plus the packers are dumb as f@#$ for letting Farve leave.

  2. Packers with Rodgers, know why???....He went to Cal BABY!!!!

  3. packers....more talent...weaker division...

  4. Green Bay

    Farve will do well this year with the Jets but he won't be stellar

    while Green Bay will still be a contender for the NFC North

  5. i think they will end out about the same record , Rodgers is no Favre and he will not take the Packers as far as Favre did last season , i would be surprised if the Packers even make the play-off's this season and the Jets , well they  have a great QB and his leadership and passion to prove a point might drive him to lead the Jets to a better record then last season, but i do think Favre will have better stats then Rodgers  

  6. Green Bay was a team that went to the playoffs last year, New York won four games all last season.  You would have to think thou with all the free agents the Jets picked up there a team is better suited to have a better record.  But, a team isn't just one man and Packers kept their group as a whole together.  The determining factor in this will be how Rodgers plays, if he comes out like a seasoned veteran I have no choice but to pick them.  Especially, since it takes time for a team to gel as a squad Jet might need a little time.

  7. The Jets will not win many games this year. They are, after all, the Jets. The introduction of a has-been, borderline geriatric Quarterback will not change that enough to make them into a good team. The Packers are well off without the Ego that was Brett Favre and they will win maybe 7 or 8 games, where as the Jets, the N.O. Saints of the AFC, will win 5.

  8. Green Bay Weak Division

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