
Which team has a better chance of making the playoffs next year- the Jets or Knicks haha

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Which team has a better chance of making the playoffs next year- the Jets or Knicks haha




  1. Jets but having said that, I don't think the Jets are gonna make the playoffs---they just have a chance at a better record.

  2. Thats easy. The Knicks...

  3. Definitely the Jets

    I think with or without Brett Favre the Jets will take the AFC wildcard. The have assembled a good team over in New York including Vernon Gholston, Ahmad Carroll, Alan Faneca, and Bubba Fanks (Who would also serve as a familiar target for Brett if he ends up in New York)

    P.S. I'm a Packer fan, and TED THOMPSON SUCKS! But i still like Aaron Rodgers, but not more than Favre.

  4. With Brett Favre as Jets quarterback now, their chances have improved.  I will go with the Jets, but not by much.

  5. The Knicks because their division and conference is weak.

    The Jets are in a tough division (besides ths Dolphins), and the AFC has at least 8 legitimate playoff teams.  

  6. I pick the HAHA

  7. knicks have no chance...they suck:)

    the jets suck but now that they have brett they dont much

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