
Which team is the most overpaid in the nba?

by Guest63796  |  earlier

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i say the cavs. everyone on that team is overpaid except lebron. big z is still making over 10 mil even though he is older than 30.




  1. Pistons Cavs or Spurs

  2. how can anyone deny the knicks?

  3. The Fakers clearly.  They pay the luxury tax every year but have zero rings to show for it for the last 6 years.

  4. Knicks but Ben Wallace gets more money than LeBron, which is ridiculous.

  5. This is a difficult question.

    Cavaliers- based on the fact that only LeBron James is worth it and he's actually UNDERpaid, while morons like Szcerbiak and Wallace make tons of money and do ****.

    Knicks- Marbury, Randolph, Curry- Huge contracts, do absolutely nothing. Spend a huge portion of their money and worthless players.

    Partially- Orlando/Washington- just because of Lewis/Arenas. They're both amazing players but their huge *** contracts prevent their teams from getting more talent and should've been signed to lesser deals

  6. I don't know who the most overpaid team in the NBA if because I don't usually pay attention to salary caps and stuff like that but I do have to say that age doesn't matter when it comes to how much money you make. I actually think that veterans make more money than rookies and young players.

  7. New York Knicks over $80 million each year and they get no where

  8. Lakers.  Kobe, Gasol, and Odom make too much money for their talent.  Even Walton make too much money.  Next year or so they are going to have to overpay Bynum as well.

  9. lol dumb post. it's clearly the knicks their so bad and they have one of the highest payrolls in the nba. the cavs are overpaid but they also traded and received overpayed players. i.e. wally making 14 mil, ben wallace. but delonte is cheap, lebron isn't overpaid. varejao is, but gibson isn't either. they'll be dumping off a few contracts in the next few years like eric snow and damon jones (6 mil a piece)

  10. the knicks

  11. Knicks because their team sucks and still manages to have soo amny fans.

  12. knicks

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