
Which team...?

by  |  earlier

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Which Indian Cricket team will the player known as Nips be joining?

I heard he was drafted, but no word on the team.




  1. Hi

    Soviet I just got done working the most excellent of deals.  His contract is with the Delhi Mongis. They are sending us three sheep and and one sacred bull just for opportunity to negotiate with him.   The full financial detail are in final stages but really a matter of crossing t's and doting i's.

    Thank You

  2. I'm not quite sure yet Jennay. Nips hasn't announced.

    I'm thinking about turning into a Wicketbunny for Nipsy. Can't you see it? lol

    ~~While we're in the cricket section...I must ask...what is a wicket? I'm planning on becoming a wicketbunny and need to know what a wicket is. lol

  3. wtf r u all talking about

  4. you people are really whack!

    is this what you like?

    at least our cricketers don't try to kill their opponents like that.

    cricket rules!


    oh wicket is something that you wicked, uncivilized,unskilled and pathetic at cricket  Americans can't afford to!

  5. Well it depends with the name "Nips" I'm assuming that she's female so it doesn't really matter cause she can fit right into this sport of cricket *cricket*cricket.

    Have I told you this month that I just loved your movie Jennay?Remember 1 a month limit on Gump references.

  6. NIPS is faking it, he didn't really get drafted :)

    Tuna - oh? I had no idea, congratulate NIPS for me.

  7. welcom 2 our section!!!

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