
Which team should I root 4??Chicago Cubs or Boston Red Sox??

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Which team should I root 4??Chicago Cubs or Boston Red Sox??




  1. Cubs -- but then, I'm biased LOL.

  2. Red Sox

  3. Neither, be a White Sox fan, if you root fo eather of those teams you gonna be called a bandwaggon fan til the day you die, White Sox are a good team, who have a lot of fun and they have never been cursed...

  4. the cubs they havnt won in a 100 years cut em a  break

  5. Cubs

  6. you SHOULD root for the Rays

  7. cubs!

  8. The Montreal Expos.

  9. bandwagon fans go to the red sox.

  10. CUBS!!!!!!

  11. Chicago Cubs =]

  12. There are 28 other teams to choose from, ya know? Why limit yourself to those two?

  13. Neither!  

  14. I say you should root for the White Sox.

  15. Red Sox

    Boston Rocks!!!!!!!!!

  16. Eamus Catuli

    root root for the Cubbies, if they don't win it's a shame

    anyone can be a fan of a "winner" it takes a special person to be a Cubs Fan

  17. Don't let other people decide who you should root for...pick a team you think is interesting and root for them.

  18. Red Sox all the way baby !!!!!!!!! cubs can wait longer there used to it

  19. Red Sox!

  20. The Cubs

    and this is why...

  21. Cubs because they won their division. While, the Red soxs are nothing without Manny.

  22. How bout you root for your hometown team, not just the good teams.

    If your state DOESN'T have a team, you should root for the BREWERS.

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