
Which team was the only one not to have begun the 2003 season with a cigarette sponsorship?

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Which team was the only one not to have begun the 2003 season with a cigarette sponsorship?




  1. Mclaren Merceds...........

    It was known as West Mclaren Mercedes before the sponsorship ended.

  2. Julian nailed it. Frank Williams is said to despise tobacco with all his heart,  which was part of his motivation for the Nicorette sponsorship.

  3. The one that now instantly has my support.  

  4. Julian has it right, except didnt BAR have Lucky Strike?

  5. julian answered it


  6. .

    That's OK Christian Lady - finding the F1 section must have been akin to a religious experience compared to what you are used to!

    See Julian for correct answer.


  7. in nascar or f1 u didnt say if nascar i would say camel joes maybe i cant rember back that far

  8. Oops wrong section I did not mean too but I was going to the NASCAR Section instead I got the F1 Section oops sorry.

  9. WOW... you mean there WAS one?  I thought they all had cigarette ads on the cars... If I HAD to guess... then I'd say Honda... but I need time to think about this... I'll be back..

  10. Minardi, Toyota, Jaguar, Sauber didn't.

    Ferrari had Marlboro

    Mclaren had west

    Williams had Niquitin, something to stop smoking

    Renault had mild seven

    BAR had BAT

    Jordan had Benson and Hedges

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