
Which teams you think have a championship team name but they suck??

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I think the Kings they suck!!




  1. 1. Philly should've been had a ring waaaaayyy before A.I. left.

    2. New Jersey should've been had a ring after losing back to back in the finals

    3. Atlanta Hawks just terribly suck.

    4. Being owned by the man Himself, Mr. Michael Jordan, the Bobcats should've at least made it to the playoffs.

    5. New York Knicks

    6. Toronto Raptors

    7. Houston Rockets....

    8. Chicago Bulls....

    9. And my fave team that just seems to can't play defense but somehow has the Defensive player of 07 on their roster, Denver Nuggets.

    Sad but true.

    Oh and one more. The biggest upsetting team that just love to lead fans on: Detroit

  2. The Mavs come on Jay kidd, Dirk, Howard, Terry, and a somewhat decent center Dampier.  

  3. Sacramento Kings... i do not have to explain this one

  4. Agreed Kings

  5. the goldenstate warriors

    saremento king


  7. The Mavs.

  8. warriors

  9. The New York Knicks

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