
Which teas or herbs to drink/take when cleansing/detoxing one's system of mercury build-up?

by Guest62329  |  earlier

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curious, coz who knows or not which peices of salmon or any fish I ever ate in my life contained mercury, YECK!! EEEEEEEEK!!




  1. The problem with mercury is that it dissolves all other metals, but is itself not soluble in anything. So herbs alone will not help. The only way you can get rid of mercury in your body is by using homeopathic Mercury and Chlorella combined. Homeopathic mercury will dissolve the mercury and the other metals at the same time - aluminium from vaccinations f.ex.

    This is a process which takes a relatively long time as mercury is stored in the cells (body and brain) and the symptoms of detox are numerous and unpleasant.

    You should find someone who knows about this kind of detox, who has been through it him/herself or has been witness to such a cure and supported someone, and you should get that person to help you.

    The dangers of doing this on one's own is that the symptoms get so bad that you believe you are ill and end up seeing a doctor who gives you a prescription which leaves you worse off than before as the cure gets interrupted while the mercury (and all other metals at the same time) are floating about in your system, waiting to be eliminated.

    It's serious business, I assure you, and you need the close support of someone who's seen what it does and encourages you to let the cure take place without panicking. That's the hard bit, however well you think you're going to cope when you start. When you feel so bad that you think you're going to die, you instinctively seek the help of a doctor. You can never imagine that the detox process can make you feel so bad.

    The reward is: you're a new person afterwards and no longer run the risks associated with mercury & Co, like Parkinson's, Alzheimer, Multiple Sclerosis and other neurological diseases.

    Wishing you all the best!

  2. Kutki 20 mg, Bach 50 mg, Dhania 100mg,  Shuddha Shilajeet 20 mg, Giloy 200mg,  Juice of Plantain stem/leaves 2 ml = 1 dose. .

    Take this mixture thrice a day, after some meals.  

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