
Which terrorist attack frightened our rulers more: 9/11 or Oklahoma City? And why?

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Which terrorist attack frightened our rulers more: 9/11 or Oklahoma City? And why?




  1. 9/11, obviously.  Because it hit at the heart of our financial system.

    And I always shudder when I see someone bring up that riduculous canard about the August 6th PDB.  It makes me wish that there were voting tests again to determine if someone can actually read.

  2. Oklahoma City. I keep telling you people that it was the Neo-n**i skin-heads of the Montana Militia! They hijacked those planes and crashed them into JEW-York's WTCs in revenge for the execution of Timmy McVeigh (The OKC Bomber)! 9-11 happened three months to the day, almost to the minute after Timmy's execution. As for the Penta-gone and the other plane, that was just a FBI/CIA/NSA cover to blame the whole thing on Osama to keep the rest of the Right/Left-Wing-Nuts from coast to coast from taking it as a call to arms to string up the politicians and their lackey dogs the Judges, Lawyers and Cops..... And it wouldn't just be the crazies out there either: anyone with an axe to grind, a score to settle or just plain criminals looking for an opportunity, they'd all be there! What would happen then? Who would you call.....the military? Read "A Tale of Two Cities".....

    Now, don't take me seriously: I'm playing this up for yucks! Osama bin Ladin admitted his people did the deed, but know this: If home-grown crazies HAD stood up and claimed responsibility for 9-11, the government would have covered it up and been kicking down doors all over Amerika!

  3. I would guess 9/11 due to the extensive planning and training.  Not to mention they exposed our weak airport security.

  4. 9/11.  they didn't think hijackers would do something like this, and because they were from a different country the backlash was stronger and they felt compelled to do something.  when an american bombs other americans you just shake your head and give him the death penalty.  when another nation does, even if they're not representing said nation, you have to figure out what to do now.

  5. Well, I doubt if they were too frightened since they were most likely behind them.

  6. 9/11 - because the leaders at that time are cowards. At the 'first shot' they signed a large portin of our rights away via the Patriot Act - rights that real Patriots for hundreds of years had fought & died for.

    Can you imagine what these cowards would have been willing to surrender if there had been a '2nd' shot?

  7. Hmm.  Were they frightened?  I doubt it.  There is evidence of foreknowledge and complicity for both attacks.

  8. Neither, they were the perpetrators of both.

  9. 9/11 Hands down. An American citizen was responsible for the Oklahoma City bombing... so that wasn't really a terrorist attack. 9/11 happened out of no where, killed more people, and no one, at first, knew who, what or why. & 9/11 is also the reason why we're "at war with terriorism."

  10. 911.  More likely to be caught with 911.  Too much evidence.  No fear with Oklahoma City.  They got away with that one. The day for 911 reckoning will come, and they know it.

  11. 9/11- Both were terrible but the second plane crashing into the World Trade Center was televised live. It showed just how vulnerable the United States really was.

    Plus, those responsible for the Oklahoma bombing have been captured but the man who masterminded 9-11 is,according to George Bush, No longer a priority.

  12. As horrible as OKC was (and I was there that day), 9/11 was absolutely mind numbing and disgusting.  It was also "outside" invaders, which ought to frighten anyone.

  13. Oklahoma City because the spineless neocon-men hang out in Federal buildings.

  14. Oklahoma City because they had no idea it was coming.  At least with 9/11, Condi Rice had the report in her hands a month prior that was called "Bin Laden determined to attack inside the U.S. in September"

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