
Which the first lady do you prefer?

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Michelle or Cindy??




  1. Cindy. One of the MANY reasons I won't vote for Obama is that wife of his. She doesn't deserve to be in the Whitehorse. She is almost as arrogant as her husband.

  2. Without a doubt Michelle. She is smarter and not constantly drugged.

    Did you see Cindy's speech last night. She's was definitely on something.

  3. Cindy McCain.

  4. Michelle. I don' t like Cindy's' wardrobe! Dress to bloody impress!!

  5. Definitely, Cindy!

  6. Cindy will make a great lady because all her life has been about helping.  It show by her college degree.  There is a lot more to this kind person she is by the reacts to children.  She seems timid but she has big and loving heart.  ----   The real question should be the President that is ready to lead...McCain Palin 2008

  7. Cindy, without a doubt in my mind. Michelle isn't bad but to me she is very inexperienced. Michelle is very educated but just doesn't make me feel like she would do a better job in being a better role model for this country.

    I miss Jackie!

  8. Cindy! She's a lady.

    I'm not even sure MicHELLe ZERObama is female. But certainly isn't a lady.

  9. A lawyer or a business woman and humanitarian? Shouldn't be a hard choice.  

  10. That is a tough one, for an independent swing voter like me to tackle. A blonde that could flash important world leaders with her non-existent b*****s to distract them from all the wars going on in their home countries, or a woman with her own opinions-a first and only wife to boot.

    lol @ td's lol lol did my job well lol

  11. Cindy. Michelle has made anti-white remarks. I'm white and I don't appreciate it. Plus she isn't as intelligent as Hillary but likes to but herself into discussions like she has something to add. I didn't like that cheesy fistbump garbage either.

  12. I think Cindy is awesome. She has done so much humanitarian work and has such a huge heart!!

    Michelle does not even like her own country.

  13. I actually like both of them so how about Michell as our next president and Cindy our VP.

    Honestly, both women are really graceful and personable. I love them both.

  14. Cindy without a doubt.

    Michelle is too angry.

  15. Michelle!

  16. Michelle. Cindy looks like she has been abused. Ummm I wonder by whom?

  17. MICHELLE by a looooooooooooooooooooong shot!

    And you really have to ask that question?

    Cindy stole another woman's man, then allowed the loser McCain't to use her for her money, got to where she is ONLY because of daddy's money, has no voice period, allows the gigolo to call her a trollop and a c*nt, and then stole from her own CHARITY to support a drug habit. (Ha! And some posters think this is what we need as a "role model"???)

  18. Michelle Obama for sure!

  19. I find both of them impressive, but since I do not vote for the first lady, lol, I choose Michelle.

  20. Cindy, she doesn't stick her nose in John's business and she's 10 times better looking than the dog faced Michelle.

  21. CINDY! I don't want a first lady who is racist by calling white people "whitey' and  not proud of her country!!

    Cindy Mccain has class, grace, and travels the world helping underprivledged people. and has an adoped child from a third world country. She loves her country and is proud of it.

  22. Cindy hands down.  Michelle is too harsh & I think she was did not like Hillary which had a factor in Obama not pick her for VP

  23. Michelle. She seems more outgoing and down to earth. Someone I could relate to and go out to lunch with.

  24. Michelle..

  25. Cindy

  26. Michelle as first lady "thanks, but no thanks"  

  27. Michelle

  28. Michelle is just another. . . . .HILLARY. . . .WANTING TO BE PRESIDENT !!!

    Cindy. . . . .accepts her limitations !!!!!!!!!!

  29. Michelle Obama, because she is a Harvard-educated lawyer as well as a wife and mother, not just some socialite who married well.  Also, she has the best fashion sense we've seen in politics since Jackie Kennedy Onassis herself.  That means a lot to me!

  30. I like Cindy way better than crazy Michelle. I detest Michelle Obama.

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