
Which theory is most important for the majority of chemistry students?

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  1. I would say Kinetic Molecular Theory.

  2. I THINK.........

    Theory of Atoms in Molecules

  3. "Although not the most general theory, the Brønsted-Lowry definition is the most widely used definition. The strength of an acid may be understood by this definition by the stability of hydronium and the solvated conjugate base upon dissociation. Increasing or decreasing stability of the conjugate base will increase or decrease the acidity of a compound. This concept of acidity is used frequently for organic acids such as carboxylic acid. The molecular orbital description, where the unfilled proton orbital overlaps with a lone pair, is connected to the Lewis definition." i would say that the Brønsted-Lowry  is more correct.....but it might be the Lewis theory... but i highly doubt that....

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