
Which ticket do you prefer Obama/Biden, McCain/Palin or other?

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Which ticket do you prefer Obama/Biden, McCain/Palin or other?




  1. Obiden not McPain

  2. The winning ticket, Obama/Biden.

  3. BIDEN

  4. McCain/ Palin

  5. Obama-Biden 08 > Old-Milf 08

    Edit: OMG Huckabee? If he was elected Homework questions really would be "How old is the Earth?" A: "6000 years"

  6. McCain/Palin

  7. Obama!!!

  8. I would have liked to have had Huckabee, but I will take Palin for sure.

  9. Obama/Biden. Hands down.  

  10. Obama/Biden

    If sarah above me is why you guys support her, this is a sad day for all.

  11. Obama/Biden....8 years is too many years for a republican to be in charge....we need a change in the white house  

  12. McCain/Palin.  She totally closed the deal for me on this one.  

  13. Obama/Biden.  We don't need 4 more years of Bush-like policies.  

  14. Obama/Biden. Hands down. Mccain/Palin just don't have the fire that the Democrats have.

  15. No question.

    There were elections where the choices felt like choosing between twins; this is NOT one of them.


    McCain is determined to continue the current nightmare, even make it worse.

  16. Obama/Biden; McCain and the mistake choice is terrible and Americans will not fall for the bad selection.

  17. Obama scares me and I do not know much about his running mate. McCain, I respect for what he can do with the military, but I think that is all he has to offer. I worry about the economy with him in office. I haven't even thought about Palin.

  18. Thomas Sowelll and Walter Williams.

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