
Which time is more safe to have s*x ?

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right before the period or right after it. ( using protection of course)

but which time is better and safer?




  1. when your in one state and shes in the other

  2. Best time is right after marrige :)  

  3. If you use protection don't worry.

    Recently I had to go to the hospital because I hadn't use protection and I might be pregnant ( but I wasn't : D ) while I was there my mom insisted on me listening to the nurse and she said that if I used a condom there was nothing to be afraid.

    You can do something I do now it's called combined methods you take the pill and use condom that way nothing bad can happen to you, safe s*x and a lot more happiness (:

    Just don't do it like I did |:  

  4. right before apparently- but absolutly no time is safe. thats why there are loads of unplanned pregnancies-people thinking theyre safe t do it when there will always be a chance it can happen.

    during my s*x education my teacher was told that when she had to list all the forms of contraception, she had to tell us about the 'safer' time. but she refused to do it because she knows how ridiculous it is.  

  5. Im not sure honey, sperm can survive anything up to 3 weeks inside your uterus, and it has been known some people have fell pregnant during their period, so be careful :)

  6. neither because everyone is different its possible to get preg either side of your period or even during so make sure you use protection.

  7. After because after menstruation occurs there's a week or so gap where there is no activity, it's known as the "Safe Period" I think. Plus you're using a condom so I wouldn't worry too much.

    But I guess your right, it's better safe than sorry, so there you go.

  8. the day before would be safer since you wouldnt ovulate on your period most likely and i doubt you would ovulate the couple days before a period.

    if you dont know when you ovulate, i wouldnt say there is a safe time to have s*x and prevent pregnancy.


    People, you must research before answering. Its possible to ovulate the few days after a period, so s*x after a period wouldnt be safe since sperm can live for up to 5 days.

    Ovulation happens 12-16 days PRIOR to a period, so a shorter cycle would mean ovulation closer to a period that has just ended...

  9. right after....if you do it right before you have have 99 percent chance that you will get pregnant if the condom do it right after...enjoy!

  10. No particular time... Because I do it the whole day!

  11. definitely not right before the period

    thats the easiest way to get pregnant

  12. I'd say after the period, if you have s*x before you are risking the chance of an egg being released from the ovaries while they are shedding the inner lining. At least if you wait until after the period, ovulation doesn't take place usually for a week and a half.

  13. Neither, both times are risky. All times are risky since every woman's body is differently and works differently. If you do not want to become pregnant use a contraceptive and a condom. Consult a natural family planning counselor if you wish to find when the best time to avoid s*x is. They call it natural birth control. But I remember that right around your period is risky...  

  14. usually a women will ovulate 14 days after the start of her period. You get pregnant when you ovulate, and sperm only lives for three days inside you. If you need info on pregnancy there are alot better site for you to get info on then yahoo answers. Try web MD in the pregnancy section.  

  15. Assume that you ovulate all the time and always use contraception. Your future child deserves a mother who wants him/her. Also, abortion clinics are very sad places.

  16. ?

  17. Actually, if you are hoping to avoid pregnancy, the answer is never. Pregnancy is possible at different times of the month for many women. For most women, but not all, the chance for pregnancy is most likely when a woman ovulates which happens about 10-14 days after the first day of the last menstrual period. So, if you have a cycle that lasts 5 days, your best chances of getting pregnant are 5-8 days after your period stops, the extra couple days are taking into account that sperm can live in the vaginal canal and uterus for up to 5 days but an egg usually lives 24-48 hours. Your best bet to avoid pregnant and still have unprotected s*x would be the day after your period ends and a couple days before your next period is expected. I would avoid pretty much the rest of the month.

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