
Which to get a Guinea Pig or a Dwarf Rabbit? Please includ some advantages and Disavantages?

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Which to get a Guinea Pig or a Dwarf Rabbit? Please includ some advantages and Disavantages?




  1. I would get a guinea pig if you like slow and nice, but if you like fast and hard to hold go with the hamster... I have one

  2. guinea pigs are smart, i don't  know why everyone says they are dumb :( Mine knows not to pee on me and does it as soon as she gets in her cage :), my old one knew how to climb up the stairs by using my brothers shoe :L

  3. Which ever you get you must get two of the same s*x from the same litter (or introduced when babies) as both species are sociable and need company of their own kind.  

    Rabbits are certainly more interesting (they move about alot more) and often more confident with humans (guinea pigs can be very scared of most things).  However guinea pigs are much slower so are easier to handle.  

    Rabbits (even small ones) need alot more space to live in so you will need a much larger cage.  

    Apart from that they have pretty much the same requirements except guinea pigs need more vitamin C in their diet and rabbits need more exercise.  

    If you have the rrom for rabbits I personnally would go with rabbits (I have guinea pigs due to space issues).  But it also depends what you find cuter and will find more rewarding to keep as a pet.

  4. I have a dwarf rabbit. She is so sweet. Advantages: They are adorable, they are very trusting, and my rabbit was raised on a farm for three months and was raised pretty poorly, yet she has NEVER bitten me even a litte! Disadvantages: If you get a male then you really need this special  stuff you put in their water called Bi-Odor. It comes in a bottle and you can use it on any rodents. It works really well.

      I have had a guinea pig before too and I never really liked it. But I work at an animal store and they are very sweet. They stay pretty clean too. But they are very dull. They aren't as fun as rabbits!

  5. rabbit!

    i've never had either, but my friend wanted to get a rabbit or a guinea pig and read up about both. Rabbits are smarter and more affectionate, guinea pigs  are kinda dull and dumb. I also think rabbits are cuter :)

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