
Which toothpastes can help build enamel?

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I've heard the bleach in whitening toothpastes or mouthwashes wear down enamel, which keeps your teeth one color, yellow. Which toothpastes or mouthwashes help rebuild enamel?




  1. Act Restoring Mouthwash.

    I'm curious to know what toothpastes, though.  Thanks for posting the question

  2. none, enamel is not 'rebuilt' you get what you get when the tooth is formed, no more no less, however, the addition of acidulated fluoride may by bonding with the hydroxyapetite structure in the enamel strengthen the enamel you do have-it is true that normal wear and use of the teeth does result in small amounts of tooth enamel being lost, and at times the teeth need restored to replace that enamel that is missing, but nothing you can use as a dentifrice or mouthwash will rebuild the enamel-good question, good luck.

  3. MI paste,

    Not a toothpaste but a cream that you apply to the teeth with your finger and just leave on, it repairs and builds enamel.

    available at your dental office or ebay

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