
Which tower was Anne Boleyn kept in before her execution?

by Guest58122  |  earlier

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Which tower was Anne Boleyn kept in before her execution?




  1. The "White Tower" which is part of the Tower of London complex.

  2. It's pretty famous.

    the tower of london

  3. The tower of London I think.

  4. It was actually in the Queen's House in the Tower of London, "ironically in the same state rooms she had resided during her happy coronation", that she stayed before her execution.  It was the custom in those days that monarchs would spend the nights before their coronation in the Tower.

    Anne experienced many emotions before the fatal day, laughing and crying, and saying that her neck was very small, and that she would be called "Anne sans tete", or "Anne without a head".  An executioner was summoned from Calais, France, and she was beheaded by the sword rather than the axe on Tower Green, within the precincts of the Tower of London.  The executioner had hidden the sword; someone called her to divert her attention; the executioner seized the sword and struck off her head.

    There were no preparations made for her burial.  She was laid in an arrow chest and buried in St Peter ad Vincula within the Tower of London.  There is a plaque to mark her resting place.

    Rachelle, you've made a typo with your date.

    Incidentally, only a few people were executed on Tower Green.  Mainly, they suffered their fate on Tower Hill, outside the fortress itself.

  5. Poor thing she could see the Scaffold being built for her

  6. The Tower of London.........for sure!

    best of luck to you!

  7. Anne Boleyn was executed at the Tower Green located inside of the Tower of London, where she was to be afforded the dignity of a private execution on May 19, 1536. While Anne was waiting for her trial and counting her final days, she was locked away at the Queen's House, which is also within the Tower of London.

    I've visited the Tower of London in the summer of 2000, it was really spooky. I've also walked up the stairs where the famous "The Princes in the Tower" were murdered in 1843 by their uncle Richard III of England.

  8. tower

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