
Which town in the South of France is better for a 6 month stay: Avignon or Aix-en-Provence?

by Guest33824  |  earlier

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I will be moving to the Provence area of France next summer for 6 months. I will need some place where I can have the peace of the countryside in order to write a PhD thesis, and many possibilities for running, swimming, and biking. I am deciding between Aix-en-Provence and Avignon. Ideas are welcome....




  1. It depends on what you're looking for. Aix is absolutely saturated with English speakers so while you will probably find reading material, you may not make much contact with French people. My university had an exchange program there and that was the complaint of the students who were on it. They felt that the locals kind of closed themselves off, since they were so inundated with especially British and Americans. This is what the locals told me too when I travelled in the region (my husband has clients down there).

    Avignon is smaller, pretty and probably more authentically French. While they do get tourists, you'll probably be able to mix better, meet more French people and learn more (or improve your)French in a smaller town.

    I'm sure you can do all of the above in both places. If you are a real "beach person" and want a more lively night life, Aix might be a better choice.

    Good luck either way!  

  2. I d say Aix might be better cause u can find there the peace of the coutryside but on the same time it s more lively than Avignon, and the location I think is better( the mediterraneen see is not far) ...I ve been there few times, and all the people I know who lived there at some stage really liked it....

  3. 100% agreed with eclipse.

    I am french and visited Aix with my american husband a couple years ago, it was just USA town all over the town center/ shop district.

    If you want the french experience the american way, go there it is going to be fun and very reassuring but you wont get a real  french life experience...

    I might come back with more american freinds than french ones.

    French people are very welcoming but like in any culture if you feel outnumbered, you close up...

    Before you go: I loved reading  books about cultural misunderstanding

    over the years, it taught me A LOT on why both culture dont mix always well.

    Being french living in the Usa, i got to understand very quickly that most bad experiences and stories actually stemmed from misinterpreation of a certain behavior by either the french or american party...

    You will enjoy your stay much more if you are able to read when a french person is being welcoming and inviting to you (which might not be as bluntly obvious than what you are used to...)

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