
Which towns in Europe are really sh*t?

by Guest45513  |  earlier

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Which towns in Europe are really sh*t?




  1. Try Karlsruhe, Germany. I think we must have bombed it to kingdom come in WW2 because it seems to have been re-built entirely from concrete during the 1950s and 60s!

  2. When I used to travel around Europe in the 70s as a student Nis (in former Yugoslavia) was often refered to in terms I wont repeat. I never found it so bad. The most dangerous city for travellers is perhaps Naples. But in southern Yugoslavia there were some quite grim industrial cities (eg Novisad). It depends what your looking for and ultimately its the ordinary people who make a place good or bad, and mostly they are nice and sometimes making the best of a grim environment.

    I still travel overland a lot and the worst thing now is the repetitiveness of every major city in Europe. For example purely on a whim I drove to Copenhagen with high expectations. But - acres of industrial estates, surrounding acres of repetitive state housing, surrounding a cleaned-up historic core. Just like every other similar city in Europe.

  3. torino (italy)

  4. rimini and lido di jesolo, italy.   rhyl is better.

  5. the town in which you were born.

  6. Romford





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