
Which traits are most likely to be passed down from parent to offspring: dominant or recessive?

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Which traits are most likely to be passed down from parent to offspring: dominant or recessive?




  1. Use a Punnett Square!

    It all depends on the parents genes.

    are they a hybrid like Pp or pP

    or are they truebred like PP or pp???

  2. Of course domnant, thats why they are called dominant. Was this a trick question or something?

  3. You would have to cross-map both parents dominant and recessive genes to determine.

  4. The most simplified version of genetics I know:

    D = Dominant

    r = recessive

    If the pairing is DD, Dr or rD then the dominant allele will be present in the offspring.  If the pairing is rr then the recessive allele will be present.  So the dominant allele has a 75% of being present in the offspring.

  5. dominant, even though out of 4 kids im the only one with dominant genes

  6. there are 4 possibilities





    recessive-recessive is the only time where the recessive gene will show, so it's a 3:1 ratio

  7. Dominant. Because they are the traits that are inherited over recessive traits, unless both parents are carriers of ONLY the recessive gene. In that case, all children would inherit the recessive trait.

  8. both will be passed down, but only the dominant will show because dominant is always stronger than recessive

  9. It can be either. The fact that it's dominant or recessive does not mean it's more likely to be passed down. If a trait is dominant it just means that it shows up as a phenotype. Recessive traits show up only when the other gene is not dominant. Mother = 1 trait, Father = 1 trait. A punnett square will give you an idea what of the offspring will have but it will never be 100%.

    If the trait for hair color was recessive/recessive in the mother. The father has recessive/dominant. The recessive trait would most likely be passed on.

  10. dominant becasue it is higher content than recessive

  11. dominant traits are usually passed down but sometimes recessive genes can be passed down. For example brown eyes are dominant over green and my mom has brown my dad green and I have green eyes while my siblings both have brown.

  12. Dominant.

  13. Dominant. Duh.

  14. dominant..

  15. both equally

    the dominant ones will show up more in the phenotype though

  16. dominant of course, that is why it is called dominant because it dominates!! Hope i helped!! =]

  17. DOminant, usually, but try a Punnett Square, that will give you a better understanding

  18. Dominant. Does mental retardation run in your family?

  19. The answer lies in your question - dominant.

  20. soccer..Thank you....I was beginning to wonder if I was adopted. My mother had brown daddy had blue...I have hazel (sometimes blue..sometimes green). I've wondered about the point of really wondering if I was adopted because of it.

    pd...a while ago..I checked on this somewhere...and it said that brown is not always dominant. I'm stayin' with that!!!

  21. dominant...unless both parents are recessive then recessive....

    the one guy that said phenotype is right also because genes are real sneaky....I was reading about eye color and the amazing thing is scienctist know what combination creates brown eyes, and blue eyes, what they CAN"T figure out is the eye colors, like AMBER (yellow) gray, green, hazel, and other is a mystery....

    my moms eyes are green hazel

    my dads are brown

    my oldest sisters eyes are blue as are my oldest brothers, then my other sisters eyes are violet and my other brothers eyes are grey...then mine are BROWN just like Daddies!

    out of five kids I was the only one to get brown eyes, even though both of my parents carry a brown eyed gene, Dads would look like this BB BB and Moms Gb Gb.....

    oh and interesting the rarest combination a red headed green eyed person....

  22. Dominant genes. The recessive genes only have a 25% chance of being passed along, and that's usually only if both parents have the recessive gene. For example:

    One parent with Brown hair and Brown eyes with a recessive gene for blue eyes and a second with dominant brown hair and eyes. If they were to have four children, only one of them may have blue eyes to to the dominance of the brown-eyed gene.

  23. I know the trickle cell trait is  passed  down    in  most African Americans, because my daughter has it.  And she can not have a child with someone who has the trait as well.  In doing so their child will have full blown anemia.  Which is very pain full.

  24. most people would say dominant, but that is not necesarily true. You can have dominant traits from your mom and recessive from dad, but mom may have passed a recessive to you as well and which ever there is 2 of you will get.  

    I.E. My mom has green eyes (D), my dad has blue (R) I have blue. In order for me to have blue, I would have had 2 recessive traits passed on from mom and dad.   It can be tricky at times to figure it out.

    Good Luck!

  25. dominant genes are passed along the easiest.

    Like more common to get a brown eyed child from parents that have blue and brown eyes.

    or a Brown dark baby if one parent is darker.

    When it comes to traits. well this is more environment then Gene pool.

  26. in most cases, dominant

    i don't remember the name exactly but theres a square/table you can use to figure out all the possibilities of the trait in an offspring by knowing what the parents have

  27. Dominant

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