
Which travel website has the best deals on airline tickets??

by Guest60993  |  earlier

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Which travel website has the best deals on airline tickets??




  1. I used to work for a major travel website, so I know the answer to this one. There is no website that always has the lowest price in every situation.

    Why? Some of the cheapest airlines do not sell their tickets on any website other than their own. Southwest and Skybus are examples in the US. Ryanair is one in Europe. And, those airlines don't fly to every city, so going to their websites might not help you.

    You can start with a shopping website such as It will check many major websites for you, which saves a lot of work. Then, check the websites of some discount airlines such as Southwest or Skybus if they fly where you're going.

    Unfortunately, finding the lowest fare takes a little work. There's no one source that works best every time.

  2. I am putting this on my watch list cause we need to get our tickets for our vacation soon.

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