
Which tree seems to draw the most lightning strikes?

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Which tree seems to draw the most lightning strikes?




  1. if all the trees and objects around it the most likely object to get struck will be the one with the least resistance as lightening always takes the quickest and easiest route to ground - that why when watching lightening it doesn't travel in straight lines it travels through moist or ionized air.

    Anyway it will just be the tree that has the least resistance if height isn't a factor.

    Im going to take a guess at the tree with the most water in it so something with lots of sap like pine or maple.

  2. Its the negative potiential under the positive electron buildup under the cloud.

    Does not have to be the tallest object either. Usually the tallest object is the shortest point to complete the release of energy from positive to negative.

    Nothing to do with the species of tree. Any will do the cloud dosent care

  3. I got 2 elms in the back yard all by themselves. And they both have blowout gashes on their east sides. I saw lightning strike one of them and watched it exit the base of the tree blowing out the side in the process. Lightning is nasty.

  4. it is not the type of tree, but its location relative to others, and the height of the tree.

    If a tree is not located near other trees of the same height and type and if the weather conditions are conducive to lightening strikes then this tree may be struck.

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