
Which triple h??????

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evolution triple h or now triple h

btw what is everyones thoughts on how evolution turened on orton




  1. Evolution Triple H all the way!!!

  2. I like HHH better now.

    I think it was stupid how evolution turned on Randy Orton. They were all just jealous that he became WHC.  

  3. Evolution HHH- he's gotten soft now

    It was a good storyline

  4. Triple H now

    I fought it give him a hard dose of reality

  5. i like the evoultion triple h. i think it was kinda good turning on him because the knocked some of the cockyness out of him

  6. Lets compare...Evolution HHH-Mean, Heel, The Cerebrel assasin..

    HHH now..the king of kings...The Real Game..triple H!

    Edit- Face too xD

  7. evolution hhh

  8. Triple H Now

    At least this Triple H does not need a manager to do his dirty work.

    Well, I guess Triple H was right. When a fish is grown up he should leave the pond into the ocean. And that is exactly what Triple H did to Randy Orton.  
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