
Which tropical fish go best together?

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at the moment i have a tank of convicts which i am getting rid of as cannot keep up with there breeding habits!

i have a 55 gallon tank and i am after some other tropical fish to keep that wont breed so much but not to sure what breeds can go together.

can someone help me with a few ideas on what i should get.

thanks x




  1. angel fish . definately not fighting fish they will kill eachother

  2. There are very many answers and combinations, too many to print here.You would be better advised to get this information from the aquarist where you buy your fish,as the advice can be tailored to what fish are currently available in stock.Do not buy out of a tank with disease ,dead fish or new arrivals,take your time over a couple of visits and buy old stock that has settled in.You can always buy/reserve the fish and call back two days later to collect them,hoping they are still alive.

  3. 2 Siamese fighting fish

  4. You have a nice big tank there.  You should get a nice big school of neon tetras (like 15 or so) and 6-7 cory catfish of various kinds (emerald cories & peppered cories & albino cories & panda cories) and a bunch of danios.  You can get some zebra danios and some glofish and that will make a nice active, colorful tank.  Add a bunch of plants and the tetras will school around together and the cories will scurry around the bottom and the danios will flit around in between and it will all be very cool looking.  All of these fish are pretty hardy except for the neon tetras and they're all egg layers, so if they do decide to breed they will just scatter their eggs all over the place and then the other fish will eat them, so you won't have to worry about any population explosions happening.  If anything, you might find the odd baby cory popping up, but they are cute as anything, so that would just be a bonus.  :)

    You could get a single bristle nose or rubber mouth pleco, too, just to take care of algae clean up.  They stay under 6 inches.

  5. this may sound wierd but this book has everything you need

  6. look it up on the internet or go in and ask someone in a pet store.

    they would know

  7. A whale and an old man?

  8. live bearers.(endlers,guppy,molly,swordtail,p...

    small tetras.(neons, cardinals, emporers)

    medium tetras.(lemon, red eyes, other tetras of this shape.)

    dwarf gouramies

    ram cichlads stay small(3in.), are peace full(love to be with neon tetras and guppies for they are peacefull to)

    fancy gold fish( gold fish with doble tails.)

    eye problem goldfish(bubble eyes and goldfish with eyes sticking out of its head)

    nonfancy gold fish( comets, comons,and shubunkins)

    cory cat fish

    catfish(banjo cat fish, oil catfish, upside down catfish)

    plecos(DONT buy comon plecos or albino plecos they grow HUGE!!!!!! 2FT. LONG!!!!!!!!!!!)

  9. Well this is what I have, but my tank is much smaller

    But here's advice

    You can get 4-6 female bettas, they do not fight eachother

    3-5 corydoras; they are like cat fish, very pretty they live in community

    and you can have up to 8 danions, they are very active and they get along well.

    Make sure you have plants, because bettas tend to rest on plants, hiding places are good too because when the fish is scared ^^ so yeah ^^ Good luck

  10. Most pet shops now have stickers on telling you what sort of fish they are - if you want to have a large variety go for any that say community fish but steer clear of Guppies as these will breed and breed.

  11. There's often a lot of negative comment about barbs, especially tigers, but all the barb family get on with each other and look pretty impressive as they are active colourful fish.

    As a suggestion a barb species only tank, they won't be able to breed unless you give them a breeding tank. In with them you can have either Cory or a small plec and otocinclus.

  12. Hmm, I'd stay away from two fighting fish in one tank, they'll likely harm each other. You can get a ton of things. A big school of barbs, tetras, a couple gourami, some corydoras catfish, even a red tailed shark! There are very many options.

    Stay away from livebearers (guppies, swordtails, mollies, platies) as they might even make your convicts look bad with their breeding!

  13. Go with Ghost Shrimp Fan.  You could place a couple small angels with them and they will usually leave the others alone as they mature.

  14. Dwarf Cichlids; blue rams, bolivian rams or apistos

    Never trust the advice given at a fish store. Find an additional source of info, online fish forums are great for that.

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