
Which twilight characters do you think should have another actor/actress play them in the twilight movie?

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I think some of the people they picked to play the twilight characters don't look anything like Stephenie Meyer describes........but Alice,Jasper,Bella and Carlisle are okey, but not Edward,Sam Uley,Jacob and Billy Black. Do you agree?




  1. get over it already this is the cast, they already filmed the stupid movie, let it go.

    So I'm clear, I am not a Twilight hater, I have the series I LOVED Breaking Dawn.. so no Meyer hate here.

  2. I think they did a MIGHTY fine job on Alice.She's perfect!

    Bella- Shes pretty good. except her voice is very dull

    Edward- Will we ever find a real life edward, honestly??

    Emmett and Jasper- Both perfect!

    Rosalie- Not so much 'the prettiest girl in the world' but allright

    Same Uley- Not so much ...he was so different in my head!

                          and he was too similar to Embry!

    However I think they did a pretty fair job!


  3. I think a lot of the characters were poorly cast for this movie.  I really like the actress playing Esme and I think their cast for Bella is pretty good too. I really LOVE the guy playing Emmett!! He's hott! lol. The guy that is playing Jasper would have been so great if they hadn't died his hair that fake blond color.

    I dislike Carlisle, Jacob, and Edward seriously, Robert Pattinson!? They can do so much better! I really don't have a strong opinion on who should really play Edward, but there are definately better fish in the sea..

    < I think Johnny Pacar might make a good Edward, but it's not like we can do anything about it.

    I just think we should read the books before the movie comes out to get our own characters in our head, and if the actors aren't how you feel they should be in the movie, you still have the books to read after it's all over.  I really don't think the movie will be all that bad though. A little cheesey maybe from some of the stuff I've seen, but a good movie none the less!  

  4. i def think that the edward sucks.... mybe that guy from spiderman who plays the best friend....good smile and figure

  5. I don't really know about Sam Uley and Billy Black, but I think they ought to change the actor playing Jasper... I don't like his hair.

    For me, Bella and Edward are ok, and Alice is the fittest one.

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