
Which two cities in Germany out of Munich, Frankfurt, Berlin???

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I am making my itenary for my Europe trip and I have time to stay in two German Cities for 3 nights a piece. Which two provide the most fun and activites for my wife and I (26 yrs), out of Munich, Frankfurt, and Berlin???




  1. I got back from Germany/Europe 3 weeks ago. I'd say Munich and down in Bavaria. I didn't make it up to Berlin, I was in Kaiserslautern, Stuttgart and Munich. Getting from Munich to Berlin (or vise versa) could be a hassle. It would take a whole day drive and a plane might be a hassle. Bavaria is gorgeous! And you can make a day trips to Austria is you wanted to. My husband and I spent 2 days in Munich and I loved it. We saw some castles in Bavaria.

  2. Having lived in Frankfurt for ten years I can say that it is not perceived as a tourist city. That being said, insiders know that there is lots more to it than meets the eye. It is an ultra modern city and definitely not part of "Fairy Tale Castle Germany." It's a party town and has a very diverse and young population. Berlin and Munich will offer more tourist traps and all the usual stereotypical German stuff. If that's what you want, go for it. I would pick Berlin and Frankfurt. Just watch out for the crime in Berlin, especially if you are non-white.

  3. Easy to answer.

    I would choose Munich and Berlin, because they are much more interesting.

    Frankfurt has a nice skyline but in my opinion that´s all, if you are not specially interested in bank-affairs.

    I love Munich, and Berlin is the capital with lots of activities to do and there are two complitly differnt cities.

    One cosy one like a "real city"...

    I am sure you´ll enjoy them

  4. Frankfurt and Berlin has the best nightly activities but if you are a black guy like my self dont go to Berlin trust me i made that mistake 1 time

  5. definitely munich and berlin.munich is simply beautiful and berlin  is jam packed with historical treasures.

  6. I would like to note that Germany is much more than just Berlin and Munich. :-(

    Ok, you are pressed for time and maybe you want to party, but why don't you combine a trip to Hamburg with a visit  to the Wadden Sea or a trip to Berlin with a tour in the Spreewald area? Or spent all your time in Munich and explore the surrounding places too?

    You would get to see the countryside and experience some nature instead of cramming as many big cities as possible into your Europe trip.

  7. Sonne101 is absolutely right.  Frankfurt isn't as interesting as Munich and Berlin.  The only reason I would consider staying in Frankfurt for 3 nights is so I could do excursions each day (Heidelberg, Rhine River Cruise, etc.).  

    For young people Munich and Berlin are wonderful places.  Plenty to see and do!

  8. I also agree with the above - Berlin and Munich have a much more exciting nightlife as well as museums, art galleries, and palaces to visit. Berlin is not only the largest city in Germany but also it's capital. I suggest visiting the Brandenburg Gate, the Reichstag near by, walk along the Unter den Linden street, five major museums on Museum Island, etc. Munich, of course, is famous for its yearly Oktoberfest. Go downtown to the Marienplatz to see the famous Glockenspiel. Frankfurt does have some great attractions too but it is more like a major business centre and transportation hub.


    Petra M, Vancouver

  9. Definitely Munich and Berlin.  They have an awesome nightlife and cultural heritage.  They both of them will be swarming with tourists.  Definitely to get the best way to get the most out of the nightlife in both cities is to join a pub crawl tour.

    There isn't much in Frankfurt.  If you are considering doing some sightseeing of castles and such, then I would definitely recommend skipping one of the cities and doing a river cruise down the Rhine.  Visit the castles dotted along the Rhine.  Take in some of the famous Rieslings.  

    This was definitely one of my most memorable trips I had when I was in Germany.  More so than the two times I went to Munich or the week I spent in Berlin.

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