
Which type hamster do you like?, and should I get?

by  |  earlier

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I'm getting a hamster in july and I want to know which hamsters are your favorites! and which you think I should get

and any cool cages and things I should get for him/her


***** I am not a first time owner I have ha previous hamsters




  1. I have 2 robovorski hamsters. Theyre cool smallest and fastest hamsters. They dont really let you touch or pet them without running away :/ also i have a crittertrail two for both of them. Theyre good pets in pairs because thier social. mine cost $20 each. & the cage was $40. so if you can only get ONE hamster then i would chose a Syrian hamster but if you can get two then get Robo's but its really your choice...

  2. i got my first hamster a few months ago as a gift,

    if i was you i would get a syrian hamster they are easy to handle and very easy to tame if you keep giving them the attention they need.

    i would not get a dwarf hamster as they are fast and agile and to fiddly to handle if you get me lol.

    but all in all a syrian hamster is perfect they are not to big/small they are just in the middle, they enjoy playing with  most things u give them.

    my hamster even cleans up after it's self when it's bedding falls out of his house he runds and collects it all in his cheek pouches and puts it back into his bedding box.

    also a male syrian is the best unless you can put up with strong odours around the hamster cage every four days as that is the cycle of a female hamster when she is ready to mate so her urine smells very strong. a males urine does not smell at all compared to that of a female. which makes it much easier to live with.

    thanks x x

  3. winter whites. they are sweet and fat and cuddly! if u spend enough time with them they will adore u. i reccomend a habitrail ovo, its wat i have for my winter white, and they are easy to clean and u can attach crittertrail and superpet tubes to them.

  4. Im hoping to get a Winter White tommarrow, They are better then most dwarves and there fur turns white in winter. How cool is that.

    But i heard they like sunflow seeds so if i get one i will have to pick out the seeds so they dont get fat.

  5. Female syrain, male teddy, female panda, male dwarf  :)

    Hamsters basically all make the same amount of mess sooo I'm not about to stereotype :/  Just get whatever cage catches your eye and whaever stuff you think is cool, I'm sure it'll be just fine.....

  6. Robo Dwarf Hamster. Search them up on google, they are really cute and friendly. Good luck on your new hamster.

  7. Syrian hamster, Dwarf Campbell Russian hamster, Chinese hamster, Roborovskii hamster and the winter white Russian hamster.  you can look these up on google pictures:)

  8. I have had like 12 Dwarf Hampsters! They are so cute because the are little!!!

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