
Which type of dwarf fish is best for an all plant tank?

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the tank is a 30gal. Tall with a sand bottom.

(for my daughter)




  1. rams or gourami's

  2. You could go with a dwarf gourami, lives mostly at the top of the tank.

    A school of cardinal tetras - middle of the tank, and look great in a fully planted tank.

    Some oto catfish for the bottom - they will also help keep the algae under control in the tank.


    P.S. A puffer fish and a planted tank? - not a good idea.The puffer will love it, all those plants to tear up ;-)

  3. a dwarf puffer fish would do nicley

  4. gourmis are nice beatifull fish

  5. Is there a reason you want a "dwarf" fish?

    Dwarf Gourami are great fish as Ian has pointed out.  Neon Blue or Flame...your choice.  I would do just one with a school of Neon Tetra or Black Light Tetra.  No less than 5 in the school.

    With a 30 gallon Tall Tank you have a lot of possibilities.

    You could actually get a pair of Angels.

    They love lots of plant cover.

    OR German Blue Rams are also great fish for a planted tank.  A couple in here would be great.

    As far as Dwarf...a puffer wouldnt work too well...needs a little salt in the tank to really thrive...and dont know how this would affect the plants you have in there.

    A cure all and a small fish would be a school of 6 Neon Tetra.

    Best of Luck!

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