
Which type of hamster is the nicest and calmest?

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I'm going to get one but i need to know that please answer




  1. Totally Teddy Bear Hamsters they never bite!

  2. Now personalities depend on the hamsters life with owner and raiser, but when it comes to how energetic a breed of hamster is, I'm an expert do to my many years of research and ownership.  Syrians are the calmest because they sleep most of the day, Winter Whites and Cambels are active morning, evening, and night.  Chinese hamsters are fairly active being active morning, evening, night, and early morning.  Robovskys are active during most of the day with short breaks of rest.  I, personally, own a chinese dwarf and a mix of a winter white and a cambel.

    Hope this helps!!

    P.S.  Sorry for talking kind of funny!  ; )

  3. i have a syrian hamster and it is 2 and a half years old it has never bit in its hole life and i handle it for about an hour every day soo most hamsters are calm it all depends on the hamster wether its to wild to handle .... ya no

  4. The nicest breed of hamsters is a syrian.They are calmer then dwarfs.Dwarfs love to run and play.There can be syrians that aren't that tame though.But either way syrians are the best.Get any syrian and it should be good,but sometimes you will have to tame them.Which could take time.Dwarfs will be very active and will most likely nip (bite) you.Hope i helped and good luck!.Here is a great hamster site.

  5. All breeds are equilly calm and nice, though dwarf hamsters are hard to hand train and if they escape it is HARD to cach them. Do not let this turn you away because hand training is very much possible with dwarf hamsters, it just has to be done longer and more frequintly than a syrian hamster. All breeds will love you if you love them.

  6. i have  a teddy bear hamster and he is awesome and so tame. Hamsters won't bite once they are tame and if you get one that is already tame, you may never get bit.  He was very personalable and active and became very very tame and fun.

    The teddy bear hamsters are the best hamsters ever. Since i own a pet store i know what hamsters are like. The dwarfs are fiesty so u might not want to get a dwarf The best is the syrian teddy bear hamster. They are the sweetest gentle little creatures i have ever met.

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