
Which type of hamster would be best?

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My brother is going to get a hamster or hamsters soon but he doesn't know what kind yet. He wants dwarfs but i told him dwarfs bite more than syrians. They do don't they? That's the experience i've had when i hold them at the pet store.

So what are your experiences with either of them and which do you recommend? He wants something he can hold, that won't bite.

He's 13 by the way.





  1. Syrians

    I had one before, he was amazing :) Never bit anyone.

  2. Robo dwarf hamsters are, in my opinion, the cutest breed of hamsters. They don't bite, but are quite speedy and sometimes hard to catch and hold, but overall are an enjoyable animal to have.

  3. you should get a black bear or  a teddy bear hamster.  I Had a teddy bear hamster and he was so nice! he didn't bite he would just fall asleep in your hands

  4. syrians

    theyre really friendly




  6. well i have had a syrian hamster and i can tell you there little saintens.mine its used to jump and bite a chunk outta my hand right when i put my hand in its cage.people think dwarf hamsters are mean i have had many hamsters befor and the dwarf was the most friendlyest of all of dont matter what breed it is you just hold them first to see if they are friendly and make sure your brother dont do anything to the hamster to make it bite.

  7. well, i own a dwarf hamster, it btes a lot, but it's really social and you need to hold it and take care of it more. and if it does bite you, get gloves and hold it. wash your hand every time you hold it. if you're scared of it, try getting some sort of tube and put it in that and dump it in your hand. let it explore and just hold it. don't sqeeze it. syrians are emo and nonsocial. they bite too. ALL HAMSTERS BITE!!!

  8. Hi, I think your better off with syrians because my friends always had them but if you get a baby one spend a lot of time with it and it will become even nice if it knows people from when its young so its more likely to become nicer! o and my friends never bit me and i held them all the time

  9. you can't really hold dwarf hamsters -they wriggle to much and bite more. I suggest a Syrian hamsters there much friendlier but you can only get 1. If you have more than 1 Syrian in the same cage they will fight and kill each other.

    All hamsters bite - some more than others it depends on the hamsters personality. I have a Syrian hamsters just now and he's only ever bit me once but that was my own fault. I had a Syrian hamsters when I as younger as well and he was really vicious. Each hamsters is different you just have to try and choose the friendliest one at the pet shop!!

  10. I think syrian hamsters are the best. They are adorable and they don't bite. And unlike dwarf hamsters, you can leave alone with just food and water and they will be perfectly fine. If you leave dwarf hamsters alone the become untamed, and the might bite.

  11. black bear hamster

  12. We have had loads of hamsters in the past and they all have been great!

    We had some Russian Dwarfs- they were the sweetest and never bit me or my brother unless they were really provoked, (as one of my stupid friends found out!)My syrian hamster, Honey, was on several occasions vicious and bit me for no reason at all.

    I think Russian Dwarfs are best, especially if he wants more than one. Syrians prefer their own company and will probably fight to the death if another syrian entered the cage, whereas russians love to be social- but only if they have been together since a very young age. Introduce them when they are old, they will fight.

    So to sum up- Russian dwarfs are probably the best bet.

  13. Get a teddy bear hamster, these are the best types of hamsters and almost never bite unless you keep poking them and annoying them.

  14. DONT GET A HAMSTER!!! sorry for all you hamster lovers but.... every king of hamsters bite alot compared to other rodents! I suggest you get a rat. pet rats are not at all like the stereo type wild rats. Now your your probably think eww but... I was going to get a hamster for my 12th birthday and my mom knows the owner of our local petstore so we went over and told them that we would like to buy a pet hamster and the owner suggested not getting a hamster but getting a rat because...

    they are the smartest rodent out of all rodents

    they are very sociable and thrive on human and other rats company

    they are one of the most cleanest rodents

    and so many more reasons. my rats are one of the best things that has ever happened to me i love cuddling up with them before bed and watching them swim in there ratty pool and climb up my shelves in my room. but if you cant just stick them in a cage and expect them to be happy they need time to socialize with you. they need atleast 15 minutes but great if and 1 hour of play time. (im 14 and love setting up agility courses for them or just letting them run around my room while i doze off or am on the computer shoppping for clothes) and they also are much happier if they have atleast one ratty friend so if your strictly only alowed to have one rodent this is definatly not the pet for you.  but good luck finding a hamster if you get one but give a ratty a chance??

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