
Which type of hepatitis should i test?

by  |  earlier

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hi..i did s*x before 6 months now i think i have hepatitis becz i have a symptoms of Fatigue, Fever, Nausea, Diarrhea, Itching, depresion. i went to pathology lab for testing of hepatitis A,B,C,D,E, they told me what type of hepatitis testing u wants(means IgM antibodies, IgG , etc..) can u tell me please what type should i test ? becz s*x is done before 6 months.




  1. You should have a full Hepatitis blood panel, it will test for A, B and C. D is not necessary because if you don't have B, then you can't have D, D needs B...and E is rare...The big one to test from s*x is B, and if you are a man who has s*x with men, or if you are a heterosexual who had anal s*x with a member of the opposite s*x then C is a possibility because anal s*x is traumatic and involves more blood than vaginal s*x. Most of the time C is not sexually acquired. A is not either because people don't carry it chronically. B is the big one to test for from sexual contact. It lives in saliva, and all body fluids (s***n, vaginal fluids) and can be acquired from s*x. Hep B can clear out of the body from your own immune system in 95% of all cases. 5% unlucky individuals carry it chronically and it can lead to liver cancer and other complications. Make sure you get checked asap. Ask for a full Hepatitis blood panel, which includes IGM and IGG.

  2. We say regardless of more or less risk factors, everyone should do a complete hepatitis panel.

    A, B, and C

    Simple testing ie, a liver panel will not conclude much information or correct diagnostics due to the issue that with HCV, the alt and ast levels can be normal, yet you can still be infected.


    A hepatitis panel is a must. (everyone should have a complete hep panel test once a year).

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