
Which type of investment vehicle produces the best APR for your investment?

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What is the average APR that you make using this investment vehicle?

ex. mutual funds, day trading, eft's........




  1. Small and micro cap ETFs offer the best potential for consistent high returns.  Historically, the smaller the company, the better the return for investors.  Personally, my biggest holding at the moment is IWC, which tracks a micro-cap index.  In the long run, I would expect it to net me 14-15% minimum.

  2. Tough question.  APR applies to loans, but I think I understand your question.  

    There is nothing free in this world.  The things that produce better returns are also the riskiest ones.  Real estate, international stocks, small business stocks, etc.  are among the investment that cangive you great returns.  They can also wipe you out!

    Mutual funds tend to specialize, some offer better returs, at a greater risk.  Others are bond funds (low returns, more secure returns).

    The key here is to know who you are:  your age, what assets you already have, how well do you tolerate losses (for up to 2 - 3 years in a row), etc.  A portfolio is then constructed on the level of risk you can digest.  That level of risk is what will determine your return.

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