
Which type of rodent would make the best pet for me?

by Guest58100  |  earlier

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I'm going to get a rodent this weekend, and I need to decide between a rat, hamster, mouse or gerbil. I want something I can handle and that wont have a terrible temperament (I've had two hamsters before, one was kind of hostile, the other was decent). Rats are supposed to be amazing, but I think they take a bit too much care than I have time to give them. I'd keep it in my room, so it can't be a HUGE cage, so guinea pigs are out of the question, and I'd like to only have one if possible. What do you think I should go for?




  1. You Should Get a Gerbil Even If You Should Get Two Of Them They are super Easy To Take Care Of

  2. Rat:

    I have had 3 rats and I have to say their one of the best I've ever had.

    They don't need much room but you should play with it everyday. Ther are very smart and its fun to watch it run around.


    I have had 1 hamster and I have to say dwarf hamsters are really sweet hamsters. They dont need much room but a wheel is very good. They are so-so smart but it is VERY fun to watch it explore and go up tubes.


    I owned one for about 1 day but I hear they are very mean but girls are very sweet. They rwally really dont need much room but something for them to climb on is very good. They kinda stink and thats why my parents wont let me get one. They are stupid animals I have to admit but people say they make good pets.


    I have never owned one but I hear they are very sweet. They don't take up alot of room and they arn't nocternal so their up in the morning and at night which is nice. They are smart and fun to watch.

    I reccomend a rat for you if you have time.

    If you don't I reccomend a russian dwarf campbell hamster. Their fuzzy and cute!

  3. I would suggest a Syrian hamster if you only want one of something. In my opinion, I think hamsters are the easiest. Thought, I've never owned any of the others. I'm just saying.

  4. Mice p**p as they move, it's like a little dashed line behind them, yuck.  And they smell surprisingly bad for such little guys.

    Both Hamsters and Gerbils are nippy until you tame them.

    I don't have to work so hard with a rat.  I always get females because they are much smaller.  I wait for a newly weened baby so I can bond with her in my shirt pocket.  My girl only peed twice outside her home and only pooped outside a few of times when she was a baby.  I used to take her to Halloween parties with the Cub Scouts.  I also took her to my son's elementary school as an educational animal.  The kids thought she was neat and she never bit anyone.  Let's hear of a Hamster or Gerbil being that well behaved!  I don't think so.

    I don't know what the climate is where you live but....

    In Connecticut the winter are cold and Rats don't like that, they like cozy with no draft.  I kept mine in a large fish tank that was too leaky for fish (tag sale find - cheap).  And NEVER use wood litter, use Care Fresh Paper litter.

    Good luck I hope you find your perfect pet, I found mine!

  5. Get a gerbil if you already had two hamsters then try something new.

  6. Get a pair of young rats, They ARE amazing, fun, interactive, and affectionate.  They are well worth it & you won't be disappointed.

    I used to breed gerbils, have had hamsters, Guinea pigs, and Rats.  Out of all those, I find the rat to be the easiest to care for as well as very entertaining.

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