
Which underwear will hurt less?

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i'm 13 and my parents still spank me sometimes if i'm bad. although i don't like it and think i'm too old, i guess they have to do something if they think i'm sassing them or something (tho i'm often not). my question is this tho - i recently changed from wearing tighty whities coz people at school were ripping me for it. i got some boxers and boxer briefs instead. which should i wear for my spankings tho? (my parents let me wear my underwear rather than smacking me bare) i guess the briefs and boxer briefs are thicker material, but they're tighter on the butt. so would boxers be better, tho they're thinner fabric? please help!




  1. I'm 13 too, and I REALLY don't think your parents should be spanking you at all anymore. Why don't you ask them for a different form of punishment? Like no TV or computer? Anyway, try wearing your boxer briefs UNDER your boxers. That way it won't hurt as much. And you parents won't be able to tell because the boxer briefs will be under your boxers. =]

  2. be good so that you won't get spanking. wear your regular underwear

  3. report them to the police for being weirdos and dont deal with it at all!

  4. Tell your parents that you don't deserve to wear any underwear.

  5. This is a weird question. Why are your parents spanking you still? Just behave yourself

  6. um try wearing the boxers one time and see which ones hurt less. you5r descision. you should tell your parents that you are too young to get spanked..

  7. How about next time your parents spank you, pull down your short and underwear and bend over and grab your ankles, really give them a full view, they'll stop spanking you. so you won't have to worry about what kind of underwear will hurt less.

  8. yeah they shouldnt be spanking you.

    hit them back next time

    rofl thats what id do (:  

  9. you shouldnt be getting spanked @ 13 thats just weird! .....~xoxo ally*

  10. hahahah if my parents tried to spank me at 13 i'd laugh at them and tell them i'd hit them back. that's abuse in most places.

    are you foreign ? maybe it hasn't click in yet that you're a teenager and shouldnt be getting spanked hahahaha

  11. first of all you should be getting spanked

    i would do this tell them if you spank me i'm gunna hit you back

    if you stopped weraing tightie whitties because kids at school were ripping on you then that means back to weraing them if there more comfertable i personnally like my d**k to hang dunno bout you

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