
Which university have the best business courses in Australia?

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I'm looking forward to study on Australia. I'm interested in International trade, management and microeconomics. Can someone suggest any good University that are strong in business courses in Australia?

Thank you!!!




  1. G'day,

    Hmmm... all of them are offered in most Australian universities. FYI, all universities have the same and equal reputation in regards to the quality of the teaching material & support. The universities in Australia are required to have a good quality courses before able to offer it to overseas students.  Most of them combined the theoretical and practical approach to the education method to make it as 'real' as possible.

    The graduates will have the same chance of getting a job. What most important thing that the employers looking at is your results on the university transcript. That, combined with a good English communication skill (especially in your area of employment) are crucial in securing a spot in the interview.

    Therefore only difference that you may want to compare is the school fee and cost of living I suppose. However, you may want to check and read the course guide properly, since eventhough the name of the courses are the same, different universities may have different structures or contents that one may be more suitable for you than the other such as possibilities to combine subjects from different faculty (like language or computing for example) as part of your degree study OR the ability to combine some majors into one degree program without the need to extend your study period (eg. Bachelor of Business in International Trade and Microeconomics majors)

    My suggestion is: if there are any big Australian Education exhibitions visit them and speak with the representative from each uni so you get the feeling of the uni itself. It may also be a good idea to ask them as well if they know of any graduates that you can speak to. If you have some time & a little extra money, come and visit the cities so you can have a feeling as well whether or not you are going to like living there for the next 3 or 4 years during your study.

    I am enclosing the website of IDP Education Australia and you may be able to find out when will they have an exhibition in your country.  IDP is an organisation that helps overseas student for information to study in Australia.

    Hope this helps.  Good luck and welcome to Australia.

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