
Which university is the best?

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ok so am gonna apply for university this year which university should i apply for ?

these are what i want in the university i will attend

1 the university should have a blanced raced of student falculty (51% balck and 49% white

2 regular frat parties like in american pie beta house

3have an excelent reputation for academic sucesss

located in united state or england

3 and a safe neighbourhoood

and another question when people go to university what do they eat - does the university provie food for them are they have to get a job

whats your take on yale university do u think it matches my above mentioned need

thnkz in advance.




  1. 1)  You are very unlikely to find a faculty in the US that's 51% black except at a historically black college.  You might want to look into that.  

    2)  I didn't see it, but life is rarely like the movies.

    3)  You're not going to find 'lots of frat parties' with 'safe campus'.

    No, Yale is not that diverse.  And really hard to get into.

  2. A school that has 51% black students and 51% black faculty?  That doesn't exist.  And even if you find a school that had exactly 51% black students and 49% white students LAST year, that doesn't mean those same ratios will be found this year or next year.

    If you want a college that has a predominantly black student body and a predominantly black faculty, you'll need to look at the historically black college.  If you do a Google search, you'll find them.  

    Frat parties?  Honey, nobody does parties like those stupid movies.  Schools have been cracking down on wild parties for several years.  And if you get caught drinking alcohol on campus before you are 21, you might just find yourself expelled.

    "Excelent" reputation?  It won't matter what school you go to if you don't learn to spell and to use proper punctuation and grammar.  If your cover letter and resume reach my desk when I'm searching for a new employee and both have spelling, vocabulary, and grammatical errors, you won't even get an interview, much less a job.  

    Excellent schools turn out a fair number of p**s-poor graduates and some bottom-of-the-barrel schools turn out brilliant, excellent graduates.  It's the student who is responsible for making the most of their education.

    A safe neighborhood?  That depends on what city you're talking about.  Many of the historically black colleges are in inner-city locations that aren't safe after dark for anyone of any race.  Fraternities that hold wild drunken parties run off the very neighbors who keep the neighborhood safe.  

    The rule of thumb in college is that your average student will study and do homework for 2 hours for every hour that he spends in class.  An excellent student will spend 3 hours studying and doing homework.  If you're taking 15 semester hours, you will be in class approximately 15 hours per week.  You need to plan to study - and study HARD, for 40 or more hours every week in order to master the material.  Not memorize.  Learn it, master it, be able to apply it.  Partying on a regular basis doesn't mix well with getting an excellent education.

    So figure out why you're going to school.  If all you want to do is party, go get a job and an apartment and you can party every night.  If you want to be a student and get an excellent education, pick a good school that offers the major you want, and then settle down to BE a student.

  3. it completely depends on what u want to study, how smart u r, and where u live. cant help u any mor than tht. srry

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