
Which univerty should i travel 2 study at for a semester abroad?

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please help me chose from these universities... the only problem is that i can't go to japan bec it's for a whole year not just a semester and that the university in italy doesn't have my major ( mass communication :marketing) ... please tell me why do u recommend a certian university and i promise i will chose a best answer . i live in Egypt by the way

You can choose to study abroad in one of the universities listed below:

United States

James Madison University, Virginia

Penn State University

Portland State University , Oregon

University of California

University of Colorado, Boulder

University of Massachusetts , Amherst

University of St Thomas , Minnesota

University of Virginia, Charlottesville

University of Washington , Seattle

Washington College , Maryland


Concordia University

Simon Fraser University, Vancouver


University of East London

Bocconi University, Milan

St Andrews University, Scotland


Kansai Gaidai University, Osaka

Middle East

American University of Beirut




  1. If you are simply basing this on your major, you can't go wrong with places like Penn State (excellent reputation, good school), UMass, or Concordia.

    However, one thing to keep in mind is that the weather at some of these schools will be very, very different from what you are used to, even for a semester.  If you want to stay warm, you are probably going to want to look towards U of Wash (Seattle) and  California, even Virginia.  Minnesota gets cold early, and usually has snow by the end of October.  Colorado is a wonderful school, but again, it can get a fair amount of snow.

    Vancouver is a wonderful city, as is Milan and London.

    Hope this helped! Good luck!

  2. if i where you i would go for concordia or american university of beirut

    montreal is a great city to discover and beirut will be a great experience and not very far from home

    London will be  very good choice but the living expenses are extremely high, if you can handle it then go for it

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