
Which uses more energy? a radiator or a (wood pellet) fire?

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i know this isnt a very good question, but i'd really like to know the answer




  1. I  don't know  but I do know that a wood fire is lovely, but all the people involved in sorting it prob uses more energy than gas or electric being piped to your house ..pity

  2. A wood pellet fire is "green" as it uses only recent carbon and doesn't use sequestered carbon that was in the earth for over a million years.

    The wood will give off the same carbon if it were left to rot in the forest.

    The energy efficiency is very high from these stoves as the chimney is small and not very hot,

  3. go with the wood pellet stove, they burn a waste product anyway, "sawdust"  so its not like you are cutting trees just for a fire

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