
Which vegs have the most fiber, along with fruits, do saltine crackers have a lot of fiber?

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Which vegs have the most fiber, along with fruits, do saltine crackers have a lot of fiber?




  1. All fruit and vegetables are full of fibre, of both the soluble and insoluble variety. Both are really important for the prevention of nasty bowel related disorders like diverticulitis and constipation.

    Fruit and vegetables with stalks, skin, pips, seeds and leaves are the most fibre-rich - try cauliflower and apples.

    Don't forget that complex carbs, such as wholegrain bread and cereals like oats, are also a great source of fibre.

    Here's a much more informative guide to fibre in the diet:

    As for the crackers, well, they're highly processed and quite unlikely to provide much fibre at all.

    Best wishes!

  2. Saltine crackers have no fiber.  

    Fruis - raspberries, pears & apples (with skin!) have the most fiber.

    Veggies - artichokes, peas, broccoli, corn.

    Look for foods labeled whole-grain/100% whole grain such as whole grain pastas and breads to increase fiber.

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