
Which version of Firmware do I need???

by  |  earlier

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I'm starting to hack my PSP for the first time and i need a program called firmware, but there are so many different versions, i don't know which one to pick.....Please Help!!!!




  1. first off firmware is not a program it is the version of the operating system i would suggest getting the latest version

  2. first off you need to tell us what kind of psp we're talking. Slim psps are extremely difficult to work with. If you have any firmware above 1.5 you need to upgrade to 2.81 so you can use pandora's battery to downgrade to 1.5. You see 1.5 is the most open system that allows you to load custom firware. I run off of Dark Alex's 4.01 m33 custom firmware and it allows me to play psx games on psp. I'll answer questions you have on upgrading as soon as you're sure you have 1.5. and if you need to check your firmware edition, go to the icon furthest left, go to system settings, and then go to system information and read the top line. Hopefully you don't have any higher than official version 2.81, otherwise you'll have to wait for them to crack the coding again for so you can downgrade.

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