
Which video game would you buy, TNA Impact or SvR 09? And Why?

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Which video game would you buy, TNA Impact or SvR 09? And Why?




  1. There are no reviews for either yet. So I'm going to wait.

  2. both different people

    plz asnwer;...

  3. I'm getting both. I usually get all wrestling games when they come out.

    Answer my question;...

  4. SvR08 was horrible and the TNA game looks great from what I've seen.

  5. which ever one gets rated higher. Maybe the wwe one cause THQ makes it and Midway can't make a game for c**p

  6. Smackdown vs raw 2009 there is an inferno match.There is also good season mode storylines.And also a creat a finisher

  7. smvsraw09 just because the game looks good from what ive seen and its nothing aginst TNA but! this is there first game so u know they have to figure out what the mess ups r gonna be and fix them... this year it seems 09 has been listning to the fans so i think 09 will be better for all the fans

  8. svr 09 tna seems so cheap and a game from 8 years ago wtf 09 more matches create a finisher multiplayer season mode tag teams are better more matches  more wrestlers


    - No rope breaks (Or submissions altogether from the sounds of things)

    - No blood

    - 10 hour story

    - No referees

    - 4 wrestlers on screen at a time

    - 5 CAW spots

    - Only singles matches online

    - No title matches outside of story mode

    - No tag team moves

    - Only weapon is chairs

    plz plz plz tell me that doesnt seam like pure garbage

  9. Im getting both but the svr09 seems a lot better. The new create-a-finisher is really cool and advanced. The season mode is cool too. I dont know about the TNA game but it seems just like a wrestling game.

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