
Which volleyball team should i tryout for?

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in 8th grade, I was the fourth best player on the team. this year i will be a freshmen so should i try out for freshmen volleyball or jv volleyball? Also, how can i be louder during games and practices?




  1. does everyone who's interested in playing try out together? or do they separate you into groups depending on what team you're trying out for?

    if everyone tries out together (i.e. ALL players, regardless of new or returning), just don't worry about what team. just play hard, work hard, and bring EVERYTHING you've got to tryouts. Show the coaches that you want it.


    if you absolutely have to choose, I say aim high and go for JV.

    as for being loud, I had the same problem as you. Basically, just tune in more on what's happening on the court, and make a conscious effort to help out your team.(i.e. call the ball, tips or whatever.)

    With time, as you get even more experienced, loudness will just be almost like instinct. Now I can't keep my mouth SHUT on the court!! >.<

    best of luck in tryouts!!

  2. go for the JV team,you can progress your skills more

    being louder??lets see...uhmmmm..every time ur team scores a point, give each member a high five and say "good job!!" or "nice set!"" or "nice kill" or "aaaaarrrggghhh!!!" (ahah..when we play my team say things like "aarrrgg"...not to the other team though just on my team..hahhahah..)

    best thing is to have fun and keep on playing!!!!


  3. definitely freshman. junior varsity is most likely for the upperclassmen. as 4 being louder in practice, yell got it or mine when the ball comes 2 u. also, when ur gonna serve, yell ur team's score serving the other teams' score in that order. (5 serving 4!!! for example). 4 games, just cheer for your team. :)

  4. i think you should try out for the freshman team this way, you have a better chance of making it and actually playing a lot more. even if you are good enough to make the jv team, teh coach is probably more likely to play upperclassmen. as for being louder on the court, every time the ball hits the floor say something. ball hits the floor in front of some one say "good try [their name]. shake it off." or something or you know if a teammate has a really good play say "good job girl. that was nice" or something along those lines. if you are on the court, make sure you are the loudest, call the ball LOUD. make sure everyone knows YOU have it. if you are a setter, make sure the passer knows where you are by saying "here, here" when the ball comes over or something similar. if setter gets the first ball let you team know "hey setters out". make sure you scream. come home from every game hoarse. bonus- it may hurt for a while, but if your coach sees you doing that, she will love you. and she will definitely keep you on the team b/c of your attitude.

  5. I would try out for the freshman team.  If you try out for the JV team and do not make it, they might not like it and they may not let you on the freshman team.  When you make the freshman team, they will notice you and you can be on the JV team later.  It is good to be a player on the freshman team than to be on the bench for the JV team.  

    Do you want to play the ball?   Do you want to get hurt when someone else does not hear you and they run you over to play the ball?  The louder you are, the more likely you are to get to play the ball and the less likely you are to get hurt.  My former team mate was so loud, players on the next court were moving out of the way.  We moved too.  He only saw the ball.  

    Work on being louder in practice and then you will be louder in the games.  Good luck.

  6. Do some reflection. How high is your confidence? Do YOU feel you could compete to a higher level by trying JV and skipping the freshman team altogether. If you feel maybe you need work on some skills or don't want to play as competitively yet then you should go for the freshman team. If you want to be in more of the action I would go for the JV team and then that's one step closer to being on Varsity and an advantage because you have been on a competitive team longer. That's really good you were the 4th best player. I would really go for JV and even if you feel you aren't doing the greatest, you can expalin to a coach that you want to jump right in to JV so you have 1 up and have more years to learn competitive volleyball. To be louder, don't be shy. You might feel silly being so loud above others but I promise if you make yourself stand out (not in an obnoxious way) and call the ball loudly and communicate with your team that your coach will see that and like it and it will also help you and your team in knowing what's going on. You might be a little afraid to be loud right now because you don't want to embarrass yourself by yelling something wrong but your confidence through the seasons will build up and you'll know the game so well and be communicating constantly because you KNOW for sure what's going on. Just try it. Yell confidently "MINE!" and make it known you're taking charge of that ball and GO for it, don't back down once you call it off. Also, if you're really concerned with it, my coach did a yelling drill with my team. It was more like a punishment because we weren't communicating. We would have to do quick feet like football players with our legs spread running in place and then she'd say something like free ball and we'd all yell MINE! or she'd say it's a tip and we'd yell TIP! and we got really tired of that quick feet and DID NOT want to do mor eof it so when we got back o nthe court we called off eveyr ball, called the ball out, called tips, you name it. You're welcome to change that though to a easier drill so it's not like punishment.  Just have confidence in yourself really. Good luck.

  7. Go for freshman, they may very well move you up to JV...

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