
Which war do you think was the most unnecessary?

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Which war do you think was the most unnecessary?




  1. Iraq war

  2. Neither both are Justified we were attacked we had to go on the offensive

  3. Iraq war, and Vietnam war

  4. opiom warr lol.;...

  5. The one with my first wife. I should have deserted in the second month.

  6. The cold war, nothing really happened

  7. Spanish American war.  

  8. NONE of the wars since WW II were necessary EXCEPT the GWOT (Iraq & Afghanistan).....

    Which was the most unnecessary?..... Hard to say..... Guess my vote is Grenada..... the US students were never at risk.......until we invaded

    BUT we are still in Bosnia..... should never have been in Samolia.....or Korea.....or Vietnam.....etc ....NONE of these countries were a threat to America

  9. The Iraq War.

  10. The one where we didn't get invaded first.

  11. all of them! is war really necessary?

  12. war may be necessary, but to the extent we are usually at when all is said and done is unnecessary.  This iraq war is way out of hand.  you can't say we were attacked, and that makes it ok.  We were attacked by a terriost group, not a whole country.

  13. the war on drugs, they put more and more money into it and get no more results than before.

  14. The War of 1812.

    Ambassador from the US already agree on peace days before the US declare war on Britain. Since communication was slow at sea, it was too late.

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