
Which was more difficult: Raising a baby or raising a teenager?

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Which was more difficult: Raising a baby or raising a teenager?




  1. Both of them can be a challenge, I prefer raising a teenager, because they are more independent than a babies are you have daycare, feeding, and changing diapers

  2. 1A


  3. Is this a trick question. lol... I think a teenager hands down. Babies may do things wrong but they are babies teens.My mom tells me that when I was 13 an alien took over my body.

  4. after rasing 3 kids and 121 krandkids babys much easier by far

  5. I have never thought parenting as being difficult, just a little challenging at times!  I think raising a baby or a teenager is the same, just a different age!  They both wine when they don't get their own way, want their independence, and costs lots of money!

  6. TEENAGER!!!    

  7. both hard....i was raising a 16yr(lil sis came to live wit me) and a 2yr old(step-son) she was awesome until she started smelling herself(basically having s*x and trying to do whateva she wanted) and the 2yr didnt want to go to the pot so there both challenging

  8. teenager

  9. pre teen and teen

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