
Which was more important the invention of agriculture or the use of fire? Explain.?

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Which was more important the invention of agriculture or the use of fire? Explain.?




  1. In my opinion, the use of fire. Fire allowed for the clearing of land FOR agriculture, and allowed for the spread of agricultural practices. Without fire, it would have been difficult to efficiently and quickly clear land for large-scale farming, which provided for the advancing of numerous cultures and civilizations.

  2. In any given situation, the one you do not have would have been the more important.

    Agriculture without fire would have been more difficult but not impossible because wildfires have been with us forever.

    Having fire without agriculture would have some value, but only with an intent to grow crops does the use of fire become a major life-sustaining tool.

    But to get real, this question belongs to the time before fire and agriculture... which do we need most, or first?

  3. Even before agriculture people survived by killing animals  on land and sea.

    Fire proved many more uses for the grown of civilizations

    In fact both have been created and inspired by the mother Nature and both have equal value.

  4. harness the energy of fire eventually gave way to the internal combustion engine which in turn operates machinery that agriculture thrives upon.  Imagine what kind of crops we'd produce if we still had horses plowing our fields.  We'd be pretty hungry!

  5. Apples and oranges.  There is validity to the argument that agriculture could not occur without the use of fire.  Fire allowed our ancestors to devote more time towards the planting and care of crops, so I'll pick fire.


  6. Use of fire allowed people to cook food & avoid so much food poisoning from their food & heat themselves to avoid illness.  They still had to move around with their food source and take their firemaking ability with them, however.

    Agriculture, on the other hand, allowed people to have food where they are which allowed them time to figure out more things.  If agriculture was not discovered, no culture would have been able to grow.

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