
Which was the bigger world series feat: Jackson's three home runs in one game OR Larsens Perfect Game?

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  1. Perfect game.

    You're pitching against the Best Team in the other league, from top to bottom 3-4x through the lineup, etc. -- and the HRs can come vs. RPs or a back of rotation starter. In fact, you can hit a HR "by mistake" by swinging hard -- which is what Reggie said, that he surprised himself.  A perfect game is a major feat in baseball, to begin with. Remember -- NO WALKS, or errors, etc. in a perfect game. It's nearly up the the entire Team to do that... hitting a HR is one batter vs. whatever pitchers there are at the time (which can be back of the rotation & RPs).

  2. perfect game

  3. I say Larsen pitching a perfect game =]

  4. perfect game 3 homeruns was done before i think the babe did it.

  5. Larsen's game.  He had to be right  a hundred times.  Jackson was right three.

  6. Larsen's perfecto in my book was better. Ruth accomplished the same thing as Reggie. To put it in better perspective: SHAWN GREEN once homered 4 times in a game. I know Reggie did it in the WS, but Larsen's feat was far greater.

  7. definetly larsens perfect game

  8. though both are great feats, Larsen's perfect game takes the cake

  9. Larsens Perfect Game

  10. Larson's Perfect Game it is way easier to hit 3 homers in one game than to throw a perfect games To throw a perfect game in the world series is unbelievable especially with all that pressure

  11. Larsen's perfect game

  12. Perfect game.  

    A perfect game is extremely rare by any account, much less in October.

    Larsen did it in front of over 64,000 people in attendance.

    If you ask me, his accomplishment in 1956 is one of the true Wonders of the Baseball World.

  13. Reggie Reggie Reggie Reggie Reggie

  14. Larsen's perfect game.

  15. i think larsens perfect game was the bigger world series feat, come on 4 pitcher 2 do on a regular game is great but wen u do in a world series u have 2 luv it

  16. gotta go with donnie's perfecto.


  18. Perfect games are harder to come by than 3 home runs in a game.......sooooooooo I say the perfect game by Larsen.

  19. Larsen's perfect game.

    Three home run games happen frequently, even in the postseason (Robertson, Brett, Kennedy), even in the World Series (Ruth -- twice, of course).

    There have been only 17 perfect games in over 190,000 games (which is 380,000 opportunities, since either team might do it). So a perfecto comes along only once every 11 thousand or so games.

    Also, a three home run game is the sort of thing fans could expect from Jackson -- and he did so twice in the regular season. Larsen was a journeyman whose second-best effort was a two-hitter in 1958. That he should ring up a perfect game defied unimaginable odds.

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