
Which was the easiest?

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Out of the AP exams, which one is the easiest?


AP English 3 ( idk if the AP eng 4 is different)

AP Calc

AP Prob & Stat

AP Bio

AP Chem

and if there are any other ones..

Thank you!




  1. I got 5s on the literature and history ones, and 4s on US Govt and Lang & Comp. If you know the material they're not too bad. But I didn't take any math or science ones so I couldn't really give you a comparison.

  2. I've only taken the APUSH exam and I got a 5....I enjoyed the class. I've heard that AP Chem is very difficult, though.

  3. AP Psychology is the easiest one of all.  AP Calculus is not that bad, either.  It may sound weird, but English and History are hard.  So are the sciences.  But math is okay.

  4. APUSH has a lot of detailed stuff.

    AP eng. 3 is OK.

    don't know about calc, stat, and bio

    Chem was the easiest for me.
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