
Which was the first international organization?

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Which was the first international organization?




  1. East India Trading Company.

  2. 0ne of the following:League of Nations (predecessor to UNO), International Labour 0rganisation, World Court

  3. I think it was International Telecommunication Union (ITU-1865) And RedCross I think it's not International Organization but it is NGO(it was registerd under swiss law)

  4. The League of Nations established after World War I in 1920.

  5. That's a very good question. It depends what you consider an international organization. In my opinion, the firs international organizations started hundreds, maybe even thousands of years ago in the form of widespread cults.

    An example might be the crusaders, though there may be even earlier organizations, my knowledge of ancient cults is a little rusty.

  6. 2 guesses   Red Cross or the Boy Scouts

  7. The Free Masons

  8. united nations

  9. Red Cross

  10. The Red Cross.

  11. The Islamic Alliance For World Islamisation was created 10 years after the crusades and this Organisation spanned the full muslim empire and was responsible for the Islamisation of India and the subsequent killings of thousands of Hindus who refused to convert to Islam. This Organistion was later broken up into many of todays Islamic Terror Organitions including Al Qaeda. Meaning that in practical terms Al Qaeda is the oldest Organistion in the world.

  12. The Catholic Church

  13. League of Nations which is the predecessor of the United Nations Organization was the first truly international organization with almost world wide participation.

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