
Which was the happiest period of your life?

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Which was the happiest period of your life?




  1. When my child was born. Having a child is the best thing in the world.

  2. Right now

  3. when i've reached the highest peak... sorta climax

  4. when the cop caught me urinating in a tree and put me behind bars... ha ha...

  5. the ten years prior to birth  

  6. When I received a windfall.

  7. being reunited with family and friends.... my last month's vacation... it was really great! I've never been happy before....

  8. Right now! I've been at the happiest ever since I was born. Life is a gift and I will always remain happy!

  9. college, first half of highschool, the years i worked at synergymed.

  10. the first time I came

  11. The Year When I Was An Only Child, Before My Brother Was Born :( xx

  12. being a baby with no cares in the world

  13. this one! childhood nah ken was always hungry,yes this one,man I'm having a blast

  14. i really dont know i had a suck up child hood, and i havent experience glorious happiness, we cry in the instance that we are birthed, iam happiest in a diverse series in which i am hit w/ constant emotional pangs.

  15. becoming a grandad

  16. That i have The Best Family in the World, yes nobody's perfect therefore we are perfect! hehehe

  17. High school days so far but I know the best is yet to come.

  18. my wedding day.. :) when we became finally one with the one i love...

  19. you know what? when i give you willingly 2 points and 5 points for me. maybe thats my second happiest period of my life i ever had. he, he , he,deal or no deal?

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