
Which was your favorite version of the Midnight Express?

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Mine were Stan Lane and Bobby Eaton..I think they just were so smooth in the ring together..but all the versions were good. (I don't count the one that WWF tried to do..that's not a Midnights team to me.)




  1. I prefer the Beautiful Bobby and Sweet Stan incarnation from 1987-90.One of my earliest wrestling memories is watching them coming out to their theme music.They were the perfect tags combination as they knew each other from their time in Mid-Southern wrestling.Both of them could anticipate move sequences and had excellent timing.Their classy tags skills won them the NWA World Tag titles three times and apart from The Steiners, Bobby and Stan remain the only tag team to hold NWA World and US tag titles at the same time.

    I remember them facing Ole Anderson and Tully Blanchard in a match and even though the Express were meant to be the heels, the fans cheered for them nonstop.They are an excellent reminder of why tag team wrestling was much classier and entertaining back then.

  2. i would have to go with Lane and Eaton even thought i wasnt born when they were around i still watched a couple of there matches and they were good

  3. I preferred Dennis Condrey and Bobby Eaton.  Eaton is awesome, one of the best tag-team wrestlers of all time and nobody ever had a bad match with him.  I prefer Condrey because after Eaton he was the most skilled wrestler in any version of the Midnight Express.

    You're right about Lane and Eaton working well together.  I just always thought Lane was an odd fit, mostly because he's such a different character from Eaton and Condrey, and even Randy Rose and Norvell Austin.

    The WWF version of the Midnights has been erased from my mind forever.

    DragonLord?  Yikes!

  4. the movie midnight express is my favorite version.  

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